David Alan Black Greek “Portal”

A FANTASTIC SITE! Any student of the NT must check out Dave Blacks Blog and Greek portal. Virtually bottomless info in there.

Dan Potter’s Greek Website

Lots of free recourses for students of not just Greek but also Hebrew as well. The site is a little dated, however its content is still very good.

Robert Plummer’s “Daily Dose Of Greek” Blog

Rob Plummer pretty much wrote the book when it came to “Blogging” about Greek since the early 2000’s. He is still very active today and this site, rightly so is a must have for serious students of the NT to check out.

Fred Long’s “Greek Matters” YouTube Channel

A excellent YouTube channel that has a lot of “Read along” content thru NT books. Very useful for those trying to build up their vocabulary and syntactical understanding.

The E. Donnelly Digital Library

We at KTGS affectionately refer to this site as “THE ABYSS” because good luck ever being able to fully mine all of the free books available on this site! EXCELLENT site for free books on grammar, lexicography, syntax etc.

Alpha With Angela YouTube Channel

Great channel to check out, especially for those interested in the more “living language” approach to learning Koine Greek.

Peter Brown YouTube Channel

Peter has excellent content, especially geared for those who just want to READ the NT in Greek, very down to earth and relaxing style.

Bill Mounce’s Website

Bill Mounce is one of the most respected NT Greek scholars alive today. This simple website offers tons of great content and resources, definitely check it out